Women Unite | 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month at 9:45am. Located in Room 11.
A place for women all ages to find support and encouragement. Enjoy a Bible study, prayer, coffee, and fellowship. We conclude with Lunch at a restaurant. 
Discover Joy with Angie Riggs - Call the Office for Location and Times. This Women's group gathers around God's Word to encourage, strengthen, and pray together. We intentionally connect with each other and discover how to live life with Joy. 
Brothers in Battle with Jeff Hart - Call the Office for Location and Times. This group of strong mighty men center around God's Word, in order "to bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the Law of Christ." We desire to reject passivity, accept responsibility, and lead courageously. 
Pickleball led by Doug Dale | Mondays from 6-8pm at Carns Park during the Summer & in the Gym during the Winter. 
Hearts Knit Together with Carolyn Chapman | Third Friday of the month at 6pm, Call the Church office for Location. A time of fellowship and creativity where we learn to make anything from simple scarves to complex afghans. They make perfect gifts! *Adult Women
Care Givers with Pastor Brenda Jackson | 1st Tue. of the month at 6:30pm located in the North Sanctuary. This group is for anyone that would be interested in providing outreach opportunities to care for our church family through prayer, calls, gifts, visits, meals, and more! 
Road to Recovery with Natalie Barnett & Anna Blasdel | Tuesdays 6-7pm in Modular D.
This group helps those who struggle with addictions of any kind in a safe, confidential space while building a closer relationship with the Lord. 
Refine Life Group | Last Saturday of every month at 5:30pm. Contact Office for Location.
It's a time of relationship building, encouraging one another, and the Word for Young married couples.
Followers of Christ Class | Sundays at 9:30am in Room Seven. Dedicated to providing Biblical teaching to developmentally disabled teens and adults.
Bridging the Gap with Doug Dale | Sundays at 9:30am in the East Wing. A class filled with Biblical teachings from both Old and New Testaments that help us discover how the church should respond to our ever-changing post-Christian culture.
Grief Share with Pastor Brenda Jackson| Last Sunday of each month at 6pm in the North Worship Center. Biblical teaching for those grieving the loss of someone. We come together to learn about Life after loss through discussion, Biblical truths, and finding joy. 
Piecing Together with Robin Setzler and Connie Dale | Every first Thurs. of the month from 9-4pm. A time for you to bring your projects; such as sewing, knitting, crocheting, scrapbooking, etc. to work on alongside others and a potluck lunch!

Wednesday Night Service 

Wednesday Night Refuel Service -
Stay connected throughout the week with our dynamic and powerful worship and preaching service. Join us at 7pm in the Main Sanctuary for an uplifting and refreshing service for Adults.
Boys and Girls Club -
Boys and Girls club is a great way to get your kids connected with biblical teachings and fun for your kiddos on Wednesday Nights, make sure to check in your kids located outside of the North Sanctuary no earlier than 6:45pm. 
Boys and Girls Club -
Boys and Girls club is a great way to get your kids connected with biblical teachings and fun for your kiddos on Wednesday Nights, make sure to check in your kids located outside of the North Sanctuary no earlier than 6:45pm. 
Youth Ministry  - 
Wednesdays at 6:30pm during the Summer
Sundays at 5:30pm during Fall and Winter Months located in the Gym. *Follow Stewart Road Youth on Social Media for more information about service changes, events, activities, and more!
Senior Service with Pastor Brenda -
We are a generational Church! Join us every Wednesday morning at 10am in the North Sanctuary for a time of not only fellowship, but hymn singing, and preaching. If you have any questions, call the office today.